Best Packages

Our Plans

Simple, transparent pricing
Find the job that’s perfect for you

Basic Package

Package 1
  • Single job posting on the platform for 5 days
  • Basic company profile with logo and contact details
  • Limited candidate reach (local area visibility)
  • Basic applicant tracking features (view and download resumes)
  • Email notifications when applications are received

Premium Package

Package 3
$ 750
  • Everything in the Standard package
  • Unlimited job postings for 60 days
  • Premium company profile with a dedicated landing page
  • Nationwide candidate reach (national visibility)
  • Sorted resume to identify the right candidates to fit the open position
  • Job posts highlighted as “Urgent” for the entire duration
  • Social media promotion of job posts across multiple platforms
  • Dedicated customer support with and assigned recruiter to assist as a priority response
  • Unlimited Candidate Profile view
Best Choice

Standard Package

Package 2
$ 175
  • Everything in the Basic package
  • Up to three job postings for 35 days
  • Enhanced company profile with additional details (company video, social media links)
  • Broader candidate reach (regional visibility)
  • Featured job listing for 7 days to increase visibility
  • Access to a candidate database for resume searches
  • Advanced applicant tracking features (filters, rating system)
  • 20 Candidate Profile View